Monday 31 October 2016


A tribute to my good friend Rube and her cousin who assisted in the early days of the Blog by providing certain information before it even hit the local papers.

The message is as apt as they come!  Definitely a MOUTH ALMIGHTY!


Friday 28 October 2016


    Remember, remember! 
    The fifth of November,
    The Gunpowder treason and plot;
    I know of no reason
    Why the Gunpowder treason
    Should ever be forgot!
    Guy Fawkes and his companions
    Did the scheme contrive,
    To blow the King and Parliament
    All up alive.
    Threescore barrels, laid below,
    To prove old England's overthrow.
    But, by God's providence, him they catch,
    With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
    A stick and a stake 
    For King James's sake!
    If you won't give me one,
    I'll take two,
    The better for me,
    And the worse for you.
    A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
    A penn'orth of cheese to choke him,
    A pint of beer to wash it down,
    And a jolly good fire to burn him.
    Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
    Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
    Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!

Friday 21 October 2016


My good mate Dave has just reminded me that it is November the Fifth next week and Guido Fawkes and his crew will be pwowling around.   I, or should I say we, have not heard about any Blue touch paper yet.  If we do then , as per last year, we will go running off to our friendly Policemen and report it as a threat on our lives.  Mind you what sort of a Police force have we, when we see Officers from all ranks being prosecuted for sexual offences on children?   Does not give one any great feeling of confidence.
Maybe a few of them could do with a firwork up their jacksies.
Just hope that fireworks are banned from now on, I made my money out of them when I had a shop, but they are dangerous and nasty things.  One wonders how we can lock up the terror suspects when we happily provide the raw materials for them to make explosive devices!  Ban fireworks, me and the misses say.

I will be staying in until 1st November as I have already been accused of frightening children and adults for looking like a Halloween ghoul, and I don't even have a fancy dress on.  Made me realise just how very ugly I am.

Before I go, and a year having passed us by, I must apologise to Mr Windmill and his family for the trouble he had with the Constabulary due to the infamous "Blue touchpaper" comment on his Blog, when the actual author was me.   I am full of remorse as you may imagine, and the gang of four have thoroughly enjoyed watching the action over the past 12 months.  Just hope the local Force don't try to accuse us of wasting Police time, and will keep the very friendly relationship we have.

More fun to follow.
 Have a happy week.

Monday 10 October 2016


Not much happening at the moment, on holiday in my favourite place in Florida.  Just been hearing about the new laws about trolling and harrassment on the Internet.  I will have to be a bit cleverer from now on and use a few software tools to cover my tracks.   See you all later.
Here are just a handful of my various aliases, watch out for others yet to come!

Aberconwy2015, NigelRoberts1, Seagritter, iolomorgano, CSILlandudno, John Spicer, and all the other names used by my mates and other posters.  Nobody is going to catch up with me.

Not the Mrs but a welcome distraction.

Monday 3 October 2016


My old mate David Jones, erstwhile Member of Parliament for the Constiuancy of Clwyd West, does no seem to enjoy receiving email messages from folk as this standard reply would tend to indicate!   There was a time when MP's, Councillors and other Servants of the People were only to pleased to hear from individuals and would even take direct telephone calls to their homes!   Not any more though.   They all hide themselves behind the oberpaid staff of their Constiuancy office and are not really interested in direct exchanges with anyone.  

I have noticed that dear old Dave is being lambasted on another Blog, but if even half of what is written is true he deserves whatever he gets.  MP's should not be able to influence Police or the Judicial system, and certainly not have innocent citizens arrested for no reason whatsoever.  I realise now, that even I should not have partaken in the episode involving the joking comment about Guy Fawkes and the blue touch paper, that resulted in the total disruption to a well respected local family.   We all must have been crazy to think it was a threat on our lives.   November the fifth is just around the corner so maybe another jokey comment will appear and we will be able to get someone else arrested on a similar trumped up charge.

As many may be aware, despite the demise of other Blogs I have started, I will continue to do and say whatever I wish in the knowledge that the Police will not consider my comments offensive and will do nothing to stop me, or any of my fellow contributors such as David Jones.

According to an aquaintance this is the reply you will get from D J to any email.


This is an automated response.

Thank you for your e-mail, which will receive attention as soon as possible.
I receive a large number of e-mails that emanate from organisations such as 38 Degrees.  In order to save resources, I post a standardised reply to such campaigns on my website: until the heading “Campaigns”.  If, therefore, yours is a campaign e-mail, please look there.  No further acknowledgment will be sent.

If you are writing about the “Give us the Internet we need” campaign, please let me have a copy of any substantive reply you receive.  If you have a specific problem with your own broadband connection, please let me have full details, including your full name, address, telephone number, BT account number and a description of the problem you are experiencing.  I will then pursue the issue with BT.

If you have not already done so, please supply your full postal address and telephone number.  I will be unable to deal with your concerns without this information.

Yours sincerely,

Rt Hon David Jones MP

House of Commons


Thursday 29 September 2016


Those of you who have passed the homestead over the past couple of weeks will have noticed that all the blinds were drawn and the windows firmly closed.  Apart from the essential security aspect of our  goings on we have been away on a short sojurn to our usual holiday resort.  The weather, booze and food were all to our satisfaction but we were pleased to get home and find that the house had not been taken over by foriegn squatters!  Any house with windows shut and blinds drawn must attract the inteest of burglars and the like as it is a clear indication that the house is not attended.

Of course, it is a part of our live to disapppear from the home town at  regular times to use the "extra"  income we get from our business.  Everyone must know that a retail business is the most convenient way of pocketting that little extra to spend on the luxuries of life.  It is easy to generate this little extra by just over declaring losses through soilage or shoplifting.   Or selling the stock purchased directly from the reps for cash.   Often this can be a great way to deal with greeting cards or sandwiches, although the different avenues are many.  Can't say whether I do this or not.   Having been provided with a good living, due to my father's generosity, I am very well heeled and in no need of exploiting fiddles, or obtaining goods that have fallen off the back of a lorry.

I will leave all that sort of thing to other dishonest individuals.

Monday 5 September 2016


How remiss of me!  Some time ago, someone decided to embellish these two cars by covering them with a description of that green stuff that grows on my lawn.  Since then I have completely forgotten to thank them for the quick and quiet way the work was carried out.  An expert clean up and some spit and polish, all paid for by the insurance company, put them back in their previous condition.
However, it is requested that the exercise is not repeated, as my friendly pals in the force were unable to trace the artist.


Wednesday 31 August 2016


The next Chapter in this Blog of Revelations is David Ian Jones MP, a Solicitor of this town, Christian (or so he professes), failed Secretary of State for Wales, freemason (with a small f), admired by a few and hated by many.

David came into my life long before the Thoughts of Oscar blog was mooted.  I have known him for many a year in his professional capacity, although I have never rated him as being amonst the top briefs in the area.

Although his business life is not very interesting, his private leisure time, and activities create much interest to those who are also of the same ilk.

Not the best photos, but a comparison that definitely illustrates the "other side" of his nature.  What you see on the surface is not always what you get in reality!

David's ambition was to become Prime Minister and he set out on the task by getting himself elected to the Welsh Assembly, due mainly to a chance happening when In 2002, he unexpectedly became a member of the Welsh Assembly for the North Wales electoral region, filling the seat vacated by the ex-Welsh Office minister Rod Richards, who had resigned for health reasons.  In retrospect it is a pity that Rod had to vacate the seat!   During his time as an MP so far, David Jones' career path has been far from exciting and his performance in the House unremarkable.  He has also been the  the subject of a few embarrassing and questionable incidents.

In 2013 it was reported that Jones took a chauffeur-driven Jaguar on a journey of about 100 metres, a total mis-use of an MP's facility.   He also found it necessary to repay the amount of £80+K in respect of, according to him, wrongly claiming for his London accommodation.   Look at his expenses and you will see he claims every penny he can and is like many MP's got his snout firmly in the trough.
David Jones also seems to lack in diplomacy!  During an interview on ITV Wales Face to Face programme, discussing the Parliamentary vote on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill in February, Jones said, "I was one of two cabinet ministers who did vote against it and it was for various reasons. Certainly in constituency terms, I felt that overwhelmingly the constituents of Clwyd West were opposed to the change. But also I regard marriage as an institution that has developed over many centuries, essentially for the provision of a warm and safe environment for the upbringing of children, which is clearly something that two same-sex partners can’t do. Which is not to say that I’m in any sense opposed to stable and committed same-sex partnerships"   What a load of toffee he spouts, does he live on another planet?   The gay rights organisation Stonewall, which in 2010 had given Jones a score of 14% in favour of lesbian, gay and bisexual equality, issued a statement expressing great sadness about his comments, and I agree with them, David's comments that is.
In 2014 Jones was accused by fellow MP Guto Bebb of being co-author of the blog "Thoughts of Oscar".   Jones denied having anything to do with the blog, for which local yours  truly had claimed full responsibility. Richie Windmill, a leader of the "Victims of Oscar" action group, was arrested in October 2015, along with his wife, on suspicion of harassment of me and the mrs, but were both released without charge. They claimed the arrest was arranged by David Jones through his Police friends, as an act of revenge for their complaints about the blog, me and Jones.  We just gave our mates in the force the details and they did the rest.   Not a very good outcome for us but we gave the Windmills a bad turn.
Jones was also revealed as the owner of a Twitter account in which the actions of prime minister David Cameron regarding the referendum were heavily criticised in early 2016.  It was discovered that David Jones had set up the bogus account in order that the PM and the MP's would not be aware that he was arguing against the party line.

All in all David has been an excellent contributor and supported of my Internet activities even though he will probably continue denying the fact until his dying day.   I have already taken the blame for myself, so I may as well take it for everyone else too, including  Ruby, Steve, Jonathon, Chris, Ian, Dave2  and everyone else who took enjoyment from the Blog.

Monday 29 August 2016


This Blog would never be complete unless I spoke about some of those people who have been part of my life for the past years.   Some have been just friends or acquaintances, others have been part of a special happening or occasion, and all have in some way contributed to my various ups and downs.

I will start with someone who met with a tragic end, the best man at my wedding, and a well known local character.   The first on my list is John Williams, late of Sefton Terrace, Deganwy.   John was a very popular individual who latterly lived alone but kept himself active on the local scene.   He was the very popular Quiz-master at the Kings Head pub, and a regular contributor to all the local Blogs and Forums.   He was even a regular poster on Thoughts of Oscar, where he was often taunted for putting forward his opinions on local and national matters.   Despite our " friendship" over many years he was never aware of the author(s) of the Blog, or those who wrote the main posts or issued taunts or hurting comments in replies.  He was certainly upset by much of the content on the Blog and was always seeking to find the perpetrators of the abuse, much of which was actually condoned by me as the Blog Owner!

Apart from his interest in his Quiz-master activities, John was a keen sailor and had a large motor cruiser in the form of a Fairey Huntsman he christened SHAKIRA.  John, apart from local forums, also made an active contribution to the Fairey Owners forum, and was very well liked and respected amongst other boat owners.

John got fed up with the attention he was getting from the Thoughts of Oscar blog and decided to try to discover who ran it, not knowing it was just me, an old friend.  He made plenty of enquiries and even went to one persons house and challenged them with being Oscar.  Of course he was wrong and in frustration poured out his heart as to how he felt, and the mental anguish he was suffering.  The person he met gave him some comfort and help as to who the author of the blog may be. This was around October/November of 2010 when the identity of Oscar was not generally known.   John's enquiries became troublesome to me and I asked an old friend of mine and sandwich supplier to help me and put John off my track.

My friend in his naivety suggested to Mr Williams that if he did not cease his interest in finding the answers to his enquiries, his house would be "fired".   No interpretation by me is required, and maybe the frightener was overplayed, but it was enough to cause John added personal concern.

It must have been a serious mental fight for John Williams which he found difficult to bear, and on 17th. November 2010 he was found dead in his bath, his wrists cut, and a note to his housekeeper to phone the Police.  The Media gives a report of the Inquest that followed his death (   John took his own life, but why?   Was it the Blog that upset him so much, or a matter totally unconnected with what we knew about him?   We will never know.

That was John Williams, a person who entered and formed part of my life.


You have probably read somewhere on the Internet about my activities as a Police informant.   Where I worked was an ideal place to observe the goings on in the center of town.   The confines of the shop itself and the back room provided a suitable theatre to get chit chat and information.  The back room was to get the really good stuff and pass anything on to mates in the force.   There is some confusion about the standing of those who pass on information, as I did, so here is a short explanation.

Informant: Individuals who are not employed as law enforcement agents and who provide the Police and other Authorities with information, often in exchange for money. An informant ordinarily has previous involvement in – and more intimate knowledge of – the movement, the person or organization that the agents are investigating.
Cooperating Witness: Similar to informants, except that cooperating witnesses usually agree to ‘flip’ or ‘snitch’ after being threatened with prosecution. Cooperating witnesses will testify in court in exchange for lesser or no charges filed against them.
So there you have it, more about how I used to amuse myself, and yet none of those I grassed on even suspected I was involved in their problem!

Monday 22 August 2016


FESTER - known by thousands, loved by many.   Yet some idiot, not yours truly this time, has desided to pursue a relentless onslaught against him.   As with all these vicious Bloggers they are not content with just poking a little bit of fun but have to throw insults, and unsavoury comment about them and their family.  This Blogger, not content to attack one individual, also uses the same site to poke fun at a dear old man of 80 plus who is a boon to the town, by operating the popular attraction of the Great Orme Golf course.   A little bit of help would be more beneficial that a campaign of ridicule and criticism.

What sort of pathetic individual is this?  A few months ago, I would have said someone after my own heart, applauded what was being written, and probably joined in.  But I turned over anew leaf.   Or maybe I am contributing to this new Blog, that would be no surprise, but you will never know!

Saturday 20 August 2016


No, not the Fifth of November, don't want to hear anymore about gunpowder and blue touch papers.   The last time created enough problems for me and a few mates.   If David Jones had not suggested going to the Police with his assassination fears, no one would have thought anymore about it.   Instead the Law decided to react in a similar stupid rush as they do with their Tasers and all sorts of problems appeared.   Never again, Mr Jones.

There was also a massive OTT response from North Wales Police when my shop window got smashed.  Normally such a matter would just attract the visit of a PSCO to take down a few patticulars, but on this occasion SEVEN Police vehicles arrived together with their complement of 2 coppers per vehicle.  They very quickly aprehended the culprit who was eventually dealt with in the usual way.  I like everyone, pay rates, and I object to the way that Public Services squander my money.   I have voiced my opinions about the Government and the Councils on this Blog many a time.   Hasn't always been noticed as at such times I never used my real name.   A favourite trick was, in fact, to use someone else's name and let them take the repercussions.  I am not without  feelings, you know.

That's enough confessions for today I just hope they are being noticed by everyone!   The things I have to do to keep my readership!

Off for a spin with my Big Mates, see you later.

Friday 19 August 2016


From many of my postings you may get the impression that I think of David Ian Jones MP as an upstanding member of the Town and just the sort of person who could be welcomed by all as their MP.   Amazing how wrong that assumption could be, as he can also demonstrate a very nasty side to his character as can be illustrated by a recent incident.

In pursuit of someone that he accused of spoiling his chances for re-election at the last General Election he made a statement to the local police.  In this statement, when referring to what had been written about him on a Blog he used the following words :

"There were suggestions that local journalists were involved in the Blog.   I suspected that a man called xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx was involved in certain of these Twitter accounts, because he is an active internet user and is NOTORIOUS for making unpleasant comments on the internet."

Quite a bold statement!   Except that, the person he referred to, was in no way connected with the case he was pursuing, had nothing to do with his election or non-election, and Jones had no proof of the theory he was putting forward.  In fact, the use of those words was totally unnecessary as it made not one iota of difference to the evidence he gave to the Police.  It is in fact totally superfluous and only included for Jones' malicious purpose to implicate another innocent party.   After being challenged about this uncalled for defamatory statement, Jones has been unwilling, and indeed, unable, to put forward any proof as to the man's involvement in any unpleasant or otherwise untoward use of the internet, in respect of any person, let alone Jones himself.   JONES has refused to apologise or withdraw the injurious words.  

This little episode just shows that Jones is prepared to level insults and innuendo, and try to destroy an individuals reputation with total impunity and without regard for the person, his family or his friends.

BEWARE  your MP's are not always what they would have you think, and will change loyalties to suit their own selfish aims!



The old adage tells us that "a picture paints a thousand words" .
Here is a candid shot of our esteemed MP, David Jones with a bit of "hot toddy" at his side on the beach.

Just goes to show that David has a keen eye for the ladies as I do myself.

Apparently this blonde bombshell gave him lots of help during his exhaustive campaign to be elected for Clwyd West.  Maybe it was she who attracted all the votes rather than the real candidate. Pity he is in the photograph really!

Tuesday 16 August 2016


This is what I said in a statement I made to the Police about harrassment to do with my blog.

I was not there at the time, and he handed a pile of leaflets to a member of my staff, she handed them back to him saying she didn’t want them and he replied ‘I THOUGHT NIGEL WOULD BE INTERESTED IN HAVING SOME’

Did you notice the deliberate mistake?   Well neither did the Police!  

If I wasn't there at the time, which I admit to, how could I be privy to what had happened or had been said?   I couldn't could I?   Such evidence is hearsay and is not allowed, so why did the Police allow it to stay?   Because they wanted to get a conviction and were prepared to accept my lies in evidence.   Clever lads aren't they?   That's why they used to come by for cups of tea and the latest gossip.   I wonder what they get up to now I do not have the shop anymore?


I'm sure everyone knows where I live in Deganwy.  Was messing about on the PC and got involved with Google earth.  Did not know that you could get such detailed pictures and information about any property you wanted.   So I took a few photos of my lovely house and decided to share them with you.  You can even see the cars and where we park them at the side.   A few months ago someone decided to plaster both our cars with some nasty graffiti.  As yet there has not been any news from the Police as to who did it so not much we can do about it.  They are not working as hard for us as they did in the past.


I'll maybe drop a few holiday snaps on sometime, especially those of Steve (Rico) Davies having a steak with me last time I visited the USA.

Monday 15 August 2016


How careless of me to get myself caught on camera when I thought it was me who was acting the secret agent.   I'm the one on the right, viewfinder to my eye.   Thought I was being clever getting a snap of a local polititian, but due to my stupid error, got myself snapped and found myself being referred to as a pedophile.  All for just taking a snap of a few young kids.


Sunday 14 August 2016


Just spotted this on another blog.

Nigel Roberts & Schizophrenia. – Conwy & Llandudno Local
Nigel and Wendy Roberts

Roberts is as mad as a hatter!


It really is amazing the amount of fantastic publicity we are getting at the moment.  All our efforts are producing exciting results and David, Ruby, Dylan, Chris and us are absolutely delighted.   As we are still getting protection from our Police mates we will continue as normal.  Someone did suggest that what we are doing could be classed as delinquent and anti-social behaviour and could possibly result in an ASBO being issued
Just let the Police try that tactic and I'll get David Jones MP (and failed Welsh Minister) to put them in their place.

Saturday 13 August 2016


Hi Everyone.   Thought I would just let you see one of my latest posed photographs.   Me with the mechanics at Oulton Park Circuit.   Wasn't even a race day but it impresses people, especially the women in my life.

Whoops, should have edited it and cut out my great big overstuffed belly.

And these are my great friends from North Wales Police.
Verburg and Hanson

and here is the latest
Insp. Kelly Isaacs


Friday 12 August 2016


My goodness me!   We certainly have had some fun in this last year, but the piece de resistance must have been the "Blue touch paper" event.   Maybe you remember.   A post was put on another blog that mentioned Guy Fawkes, Bluetouch paper and Bangers and smash.

Well me and my oppo David Jones MP, together with Ruby Williams, Dylan Moore and others decided to have a bit of fun at the expense of the Blogger.  So we contacted our very friendly North Wales Police and pretended that we were all shocked by the post and that our lives were threatened.  The gullible mates in the force, lacking in any excitement and not having anyone to taser,  immediately went and arrested the Blog owner.  What a laugh that was for us lot.  His house got ransacked by the law, mobile phones and possessions were confiscated along with kids toys and we celebrated with a few gin and tonics down the local hostelry.   Of course it all came to nothing in the end,  as we knew it would, but the Blogger and his family got a shock, and we thought it was an hilarious happening that we and the police thoroughly enjoyed.

Aren't we just the naughtiest boys around?  

We are trying to round the year off and keeping our Blogs going with damaging and insulting comments about Fester from the Pier, Mike from Orme Golf, Boy Ollerton and others.  You know who you are! We are relentless, and will continue with our bit of fun until authority prevents us from doing so.  But whilst we can continue to post from our off shore facility in the USA, through Steve the Rico Davies, there isn't much that anyone can do.

 Came across this picture which reminds me and lots of Wrexham supporters of Steve (call me Rico) Davies.  Only the golf balls that he used as projectiles against the opposition supporters, was modified with a few steel nails knocked through them.  He didn't give a tinkers curse about the injuries they caused when he hurled them across the park. It is his attitude that I admire and why we share each others Blogs.   He posts on mine, I post on his, and everyone gets equal attention and aggro.  long may it continue.   Although I have heard that some are planning a bit of action against my group!   Just let them try we say.   Remember we have the strength of David Jones MP and the whole of the North Wales Police Force!

Thursday 11 August 2016


Once upon a time I was regarded as the Hugh Hefner of Gloddaeth Street.   This was due to the great bevy of beauties I had working in the shop and sometimes in the back office.   

I can't ever remember having a male member of staff and as folks will have noticed over the years, I preferred blondes.  But then we all have our preferences.   Mind you I was not averse to having a different colour if the other attributes seemed exciting.  For some reason or another, none of them seemed to stay very long, except my right hand woman from the Oval who was with me for years.  Not just right hand, she was good with her left as well.  I miss them all and hope they put to good use the instruction I so willingly gave, and they so willingly received.

Life is somewhat more boring these days and with the constant round of eating and drinking I am making my awful appearance even uglier as can be seen in the picture, but not quite so bad as my fellow blogger and favourite MP Davy Jones.


Dave enjoyed popping into the shop, more often than not to check the latest blog entries, or I suspect to see what new talent I had on board.   When your working away in London most of the week a little bit of titivation when on home soil is quite enjoyable.

Whilst on the subject of my friends in Trolling, I must pay tribute to my old mate Steve 'Rico' Davies, past resident of Llandudno, hard man extraordinaire, football hooligan and an all round bounder.  Helps out by posting on my sites from the USA to where he has escaped in an effort to spare himself trouble at home.  Is very good at slagging people from a distance, and appears to have the mind and intellect of a child.  Operates under the nick name of Trojan.  False on the outside concealing cunning and deceit inside.

A bit like the rest of us Trolls I suspect!

Monday 1 August 2016

Mine, all Mine

It seems that at long last I must admit to being the author of another couple of Blogs, CSI  Llandudno and the Llandudno Guardian, plus a few others that I want to keep secret for a while.  These have been very useful to me but I have found recently that I am being much maligned by people posting on other Blogs around the town.   Even folks in the West coast of the USA are bleating about me.   And I thought Steve D was a pal of mine!   Apparently willing to stab me in the back along with everyone else.   Even Mr Jones may be doing the same under one of his fake names, such as he used against the PM with the Referendum.
I have had a bit of fun recently with comments about Mike from the Orme Golf course and also that Seller of smellies who trades from his Pier Kiosk.  His name alone conjures up the image of piles of rotting garbage.
Retirement is suiting me and the misses, loads of time for coffee sitting in the sun outside Cafe Nero. I do notice that the Police do not contact me as much as in the past but that may be due to a couple of failed prosecutions that I instigated.  Probably not so much use to them as an informer now I don't have the shop.  Don't hear the little bits of information that I got in the past.
Dinner time so must get stuck into some food.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Stay or Go

Sorry I haven't been around for a while.   My body decided to rebel at the amount of alcohol I was consuming which resulted in another sceduled visit to my favourite Spa.   Despite the name, definitely not a religious establishment, although the odd bottle or two can be sneaked in if you know who to speak to!
Meanwhile I see that my old mucker, David Jones, erstwhile MP of this vicinity, is soaking up a lot of criticism.  The only one sensible thought he does seem to support is to get out of the EU.   If you broke him in half it would say Brexit all through, just like a stick of Blackpool rock.   To put his opinion forward he had to open a "secret" Twitter account in order to argue against the Prime Minister.  And even more strange he did this during Lent, even whilst professing his alliegence to the Church.   Just shows how he is able to demonstrate his double standards!   No wonder he was so useful on my Blog!
I am facinated by the hold he seems to have over the North Wales Police.   According to lots that I have read he can get them jumping through hoops.   Bit like a circus and the clown he is.

I am putting on a bit (lot) of extra pounds but that is just to the good living after slaving for years in that dirty, filthy, corner shop.   The only thing I miss are the very attractive blondies I had on my staff.   And the Beanies.

Bye for now got a big pork pie to my teeth round.

Tuesday 5 April 2016


Those who saw me crawling into the Surgery in Conwy this morning must be wondering about the state of my health.  By all accounts I am certainly not myself!  I have been variously described as looking "very gaunt" or like "death warmed up".   Needles to say I do feel very run down and worn out, and I thought that without the pressure of the business, I would be sailing through life without a care in the World.   It seems not to be so.   Someone did say they saw Scott Owen's mate, Jonathan Harty, hovering by with his measuring tape at the ready. 

I see that the olde shoppe is being torn to pieces, getting ready for the new business which, surprise, surprise will be yet another coffee parlour.   The rent coming in will help me to feel better and certainly put colour in my cheeks and a smile on my face.  Hey ho! Back to the blog!
Feeling a bit Blurred


Saturday 2 April 2016


It is reported on another Blog that the Blog Author, who does not hide his identity, has received a personal "threat" from the erstwhile Member of Parliament for Clwyd West, David Ian Jones.

We are almost at a loss for words!   Is this the normal action one would expect from an MP?   If one puts oneself in the firing line by standing for election, then one must expect all the brick-bats that go with the job!   Mr Jones has, through the Thoughts of Oscar Blog penned by him, Nigel Roberts and others, levelled critical and nasty personal comments against others, but is apparently unable to accept the same against himself, and has to resort to nasty tactics.  Come, come, Mr Jones, be a man, because at the moment with your "secret" tweets against the Prime Minister and now threats to others, you are acting like a spoilt child.   Go have a cry on Derek's shoulder and have your bottom repowdered.

Perhaps, if a couple of years ago you had, along with Mr Roberts, dished out a few apologies, the present situation would be a whole lot more pleasant for everyone.

There would not have been, false reports to the Police, unlawful arrests, unlawful detention, unlawful removal of possessions, or much of the unnecessary upset that has been caused to individuals, even including, sick old men and young children.

The ball is firmly in your court, Mr Jones, a resignation would be sensible, and even a late apology to those affected by your actions, could go some way to atoning for your conduct.

In The House

Friday 1 April 2016


Looks like the North Wales MP, David Jones has got himself involved in a load of trouble, but we shall have to wait and see.

Anyone with any useful information should contact the North Wales Police on 101.

Tuesday 29 March 2016


It is amazing the number of Blogs one finds that have seen little or no use.  Makes one wonder why people start them, unless it is to open others using the dashboard to keep the new ones anonymous.

Found one today as an example CYNANDEL.blogspot.etc.    It would be ideal for a family, maybe Cynth  and Delboy for instance.   Dear old Del could then post all over the place and invent and start other Blogs for good, political or even evil purposes!   Who knows?

Any more examples out there?

This one has nought to do with Mr Jones as far as we are aware, but then no one can tell these days.   Thank goodness I keep my wn to myself.

Thursday 17 March 2016


David Jones shows how he tries to "hide" himself, but is not very good at covering his tracks.  Why must an MP do as he has done?  Is it just plain deceit and a mark of the despicable character he is?  This is what the Daily Post had to say, many ordinary people have plenty more!

Clwyd West MP David Jones used an anonymous Twitter account to heckle Prime Minister David Cameron about the EU negotiations.
Conservative MP Mr Jones , sacked as Welsh Secretary in 2014, gave up Twitter for Lent but could not resist criticising the PM using a secret account. 
The Eurosceptic MP has defended the account, called @BrexitInJune, saying he has not posted anything on the account he wouldn’t have put his name to.
David Cameron was not his only target, also branding Chancellor George Osborne “weak and evasive”.
Speaking to the Daily Post, Mr Jones said: “I do not know why everyone is so exercised about this.
“Every year I give up Twitter and drinking for lent. ( what a good boy! )
“But then the Prime Minister came back with the EU referendum negotiation and I could not stay quiet. 
“I decided to set up an account where I could tweet.
“I did not post anything I would not put my own name to.
“I used my personal email address to set it up so any one of my friends would have known it was me.”

One picture is worth a thousand words.


Now look 'ere my lovely.  This twitter address is
just between me and you!  Except during Lent
of course!

Sunday 13 March 2016


Friday 13TH
posted by Luke James in Britain
David Jones brushes off army veteran's plight as a political stunt

Tory Minister David Jones refused to apologise yesterday for accusing a disabled bedroom tax victim of “lying” in a face-to-face meeting about the cruel benefit cut.
The Wales Secretary brushed off army veteran Chris Caruana’s plight as a party-political stunt in a meeting at the Welsh Assembly on Wednesday.
Mr Jones shut down Mr Caruana’s appeal, asking if he was campaigning to end the cruel Tory policy because he is a member of the Labour Party.
“When I said I wasn’t a member, he said: ‘I think you are’,” Mr Caruana told the Star.
“I’ve never been a member of the Labour Party or any other party.
“I’m just a disabled ex-serviceman.”
Outraged Mr Caruana, who left the army after being shot in the chest, added: “I worked for nearly 30 years after I came out of the services. 
“It was only when my chest injury caught up on me then I had to give up my work. 
“Since then my health has gone downhill. To speak to someone like that is out of order.”
Mr Caruana’s call for a personal apology from the Tory minister was snubbed by Mr Jones — whose father was an army officer.
The Wales Office refused to make a comment when the Morning Star contacted it to ask whether Mr Jones would apologise. 
Neither did the Clwyd West MP deny launching the extraordinary attack on the disabled man at the meeting during his visit to Cardiff Bay.
Labour Assembly Member Mick Antoniw had challenged him to meet tenants affected by the bedroom tax, who were watching a debate on the Queen’s Speech from the public gallery.
He told how Mr Caruana is robbed of £14 a week because he refuses to move out of his specially adapted home, which is close to his two daughters who help care for him.
The rattled Tory MP agreed to the meeting but cut it short — refusing to listen to tenants whose lives have been wrecked by the bedroom tax. 
Mr Antoniw said Mr Jones had demanded to know how the war pensioner would solve Britain’s financial crisis before asking: “Are you a member of the Labour Party?”
“He said No. So David Jones asked: “Do you vote Labour?’ He basically accused him of lying. The guy was so offended he just walked out.”
Mr Caruana, who takes pills to help with stress, said: “I try and keep my stress levels under control but with him I couldn’t.
“If ever I wanted to become a political activist it’s now.” 
Welsh bedroom tax campaigner Jamie Insole has been helping Mr Caruana appeal his cut. 
He said: “Insulting and then refusing to apologise to this mild-mannered war veteran really takes the biscuit.”

Monday 29 February 2016



Saturday 13 February 2016





Thursday 4 February 2016


'Deluded': David Jones MP was criticised for his views on gay parent
'Deluded': David Jones MP faced a deluge of criticism for his views on gay parenting
Gay couples are incapable of bringing up children safely, a Cabinet minister claimed yesterday.
Same-sex partnerships could not provide a ‘warm and safe environment’ to raise a family, said Welsh Secretary David Jones.
The Tory MP, who voted against this month’s gay marriage Bill, added: ‘I regard marriage as an institution that has developed over many centuries, essentially for the provision of a warm and safe environment for the upbringing of children, which is clearly something that two same-sex partners can’t do.
‘Which is not to say that I’m in any sense opposed to stable and committed same-sex partnerships.’ 
The married father of two later insisted he was not homophobic and had gay people  in his life ‘who are important to me’.
In a statement, Mr Jones said he was not opposed to gay couples adopting children and added: ‘I simply sought to point out that, since same-sex partners could not biologically procreate children, the institution of marriage was one that, in my opinion, should be reserved to opposite sex partners.’
His comments drew a storm of protests from politicians and gay rights groups.
Andrew White, the director of Stonewall in Wales, called the remarks ‘offensive and inaccurate’.
‘There are many different types of family in Wales today, including many same-sex couples raising children,’ he said. 
‘It’s deeply undermining to families and children when they hear this sort of ill-informed comment.’
Labour’s Welsh spokesman Owen Smith said it showed the Tories were ‘out of touch’ with modern Britain.

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Sunday 17 January 2016

HINDSIGHT . . . . .

Assurances on Tata future despite redundancies says Welsh Secretary

Welsh Secretary David Jones says he too has been in contact with Tata about the job losses. He says the company remains committed to the future of the Welsh steel industry.
It is very disappointing to hear that Tata Steel has had to make the decision to reduce its operational workforce at its Port Talbot site and my immediate concerns are with those employees and their families who may be potentially affected by redundancies.
Tata Steel has assured me that it is undertaking a robust consultation process with its staff and will continue to work very closely with the unions. It has also offered assurance that it is committed to sustaining the long-term future of its Port Talbot site in Wales against a global backdrop in recent years of shrinkage in the steel industry and intense global competition. Jobcentre Plus stands ready to support any employees potentially affected by today's announcement.
We didn't believe him then - and we still don't!  Check the date.