Friday 21 August 2015


So today I will give a hearty welcome and ask you to raise a cheer for Jonathan to these pages for a cautionary tale.   Now here was a prank of mine involving Jonathan that almost misfired.

I wanted to have a good old go at a local Taxi Driver as I had already with his wife and children, but did not want him to get any idea of who was the author.  Being a bit of a clever arse, I picked up the photograph and hashtag, or pseudonym, of a local ex Councillor and well known contributor to the local multi town Forum and made my postings under that cloak of anonymity.  This was done on the Twitter site just to confuse my victim even further. and was extremely successful with a great exchange of mutual hate.   That is until the person I was impersonating was informed and in no time at all, had the account closed through Twitter.

Having seen my posts and the replies, but maybe not realising the author was me, our hearty fellow Jonathan contacted the victim.  Quite proudly Jonathan informed the family that he knew who the person levelling insults was and where he lived, and would gladly go along and "sort" him out" for them, presumably free of charge.   Fortunately for Jonathan, his offer was refused as he may well have found, rather than dishing it out, he himself could have been on the receiving end of a bloody good hiding from someone very experienced in physical combat.   A bit of a close shave for both of us it would seem.

Since that episode I have still had my fun with said taxi driver, and have continued to do so even though the old Thoughtsofoscar Blog has closed down.  Let's be honest there is just no way of stopping me!   They keep trying but will never succeed.


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